20 May 2011

Miss Ella

Thought it was time for a picture of Miss Ella [Pie - Paella - Miss Ella]. She is looking over the blog and dissapproving through every pore of her being. If rabbits have pores. Speaking of disapproval http://www.disapprovingrabbits.com/. Favourite blog ever.

17 May 2011


Tonight I felt like some home cooked, healthy[ish] food. I raided the fridge, took inspiration from a few cook books and made....

Garlic mushrooms with rosted tomatos and polenta for main course, and then a banana and chocolate crumble to satisfy my sweet tooth.....Apologies if the photos are a bit gross - need to do some 'how to take nice photos of food' learning.

A little bit of foody background. I am intolerant to wheat, dairy and egg. The usual reaction to this is 'whoooa what do you eat?!'. Essentially, I go with if it grows in the ground, I can have it. I don't use a lot off 'fake' foods - even though there are some fab ones on the market. I am trying to learn how to be a better free-from cook, and prove that allergen free food does not have to be tasteless and disappointing [as so many of my attempts in the early days were]. I want to feel passionate about food and where it comes from as a major downfall of mine is subsisting on a diet of sweets and cereal.
Happy tuesday night eating!

16 May 2011

A sad day. New starts...

Today was a difficult day for myself and my family. Looking forward to positive steps for growing in my future... 

I am looking forward to race season as my sprint tri is only 12 weeks away. In terms of preparation I have my swimsuit, shorts, bike and trainers. Still need a helmet, proper socks and a water bottle. Oh and to do a whole lot of running , biking and pretty much learn to swim. Gulp. So far my longest run has been 5 miles in roughly an hour. Swimming is, well, not good. I flap and splash and tire fast on my front. Biking is ok, just need to get the hours in to toughen up my calves.

I have typed up a 12 week tri plan from http://www.forgingtheathlete.com/triathlon/. My plan is exactly what is there, just with a rough yards to metres conversion for my swimming distances and some days moved about but all the same content week by week. Week One looks like this:
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Bike 30min
Wednesday - Run 20mins
Thursday- Swim 350m
Friday -Bike- 50mins
Saturday- Run - 25mins
Sunday - Swim 450m

Some strong inspiration to start the week!

15 May 2011

Life update...

A lot has happened in the last three weeks.

I lost a pet, gained a pet. Said goodbye to my strong, intelligent grandmother. Started a new job. And then some. Today I got the chance for some quiet, peace and free time to process, reflect and figure out where I am right now. With life, with love, with myself, with the world.

Today I cleaned, my kitchen, my pets and my heart. Things became clear. Move on, move forwards, move up.
I am going to complete a full scale life clearout, getting rid of the clutter that weighs me down, literally in my day to day life, and emotionally through my negative habits and thoughts. I have read and admired http://makeundermylife.com/the-weeklies/ for a while now. Not realising how important Jess' vision and action steps are for me. So tonight, this week, this year, I look to where I am going, getting lighter along the way. If my bunnies teach me one thing, it is do what makes you happy.

Cue: my new start.

2 May 2011

Berlin: Part I

This week I have come to see my big sister in Berlin. I have been here two days and I love this city, it is young, arty and so interesting. All the history makes this a place a hotbed of political and artistic activity - there has been the traditional May 1st street festival/riot during my short stay. The wall is.... well to be honest smaller than I had imagined but still very imposing. What a stupid thing to say!!

So far we have been here...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiser_Wilhelm_Memorial_Church a church bombed in the war and being restored undercover, to a beautiful antique market where I wanted to buy everything (pictures to follow soon), and here.... http://www.kadewe.de/. Awesome department store where the fruit look fake and the tea is so fruity it knocked my socks off. Did some shopping too but thought I would do a little picture update later....

To end a little idea of me trying to do a cool berlin style. Enjoying having crazy undone hair.
