Life Yellow Life List

Lovely Life List
!!List health warning!!
This is NOT a list by which to measure your worth
You are perfect now, not when you can make origami swans
This is a list for DOING not writing – don’t use making plans to put off living life.

Star and Shadow [local kooky cinema]
Watch all the big Disney movies
Shipley Art Gallery
Clothes swish
Go climbing
Go skiing
Go surfing
Go paddle boarding
Rescue more furballs  
Go camping
Jump into a chilly lake
Fly first or business class
Random acts of kindness
Go on a roller coaster
Skinny dip
Try being vegetarian
Try being vegan
Try living with very little money
Kiss in a photo booth
Climb a mountain
See the sun rise and then set
Win something
Get wet in a waterfall
Make origami
Inspire one person to live the life they can only imagine
Have a really fab picnic
Do a cartwheel
Do a somersault
Horse riding
Spend a weekend in bed
Make play dough to play with. Just for my fun.

Machu Picchu
Northern Lights
Look for Nessie
Go on a totally spontaneous trip
Stay in a log cabin with a fire
See cherry blossoms in Japan
Norway fjords
Japan – Tokyo
Russia- Moscow

Enjoy allergy free cooking
Remember all birthdays in a year
Hold a surprise party
Have a really good veg garden
Eat locally sourced meat
Make art to hang on the wall
Take instant photos
Take photos monthly of my potential kids for 1 year
Learn to sew on the machine
Make a gift for everyone on my xmas list to be green
Art every day

Get a degree
Have my own creative business
Write a book
Do a job that makes a difference in the world
Sell some of my little pottery animals

Learn some constellations
Learn [or re learn] an instrument
Learn to be punctual
Learn another language
Learn to relax
Learn how to put food on a plate so it looks nice

Decorate my house how I want it
Have a pink and grey super comfy relaxing cosy living room
Have a lovely yellow bedroom that makes me glow inside
Declutter my wardrobe so it only contains things I really want to wear that say who I am
Make a colourful garden full of brightness
Make 100 lovely things for my home/life
Make a photo wall
Grow and eat my own fruit and veg
Use all food up that I buy/grow
Have a neat and easy to use arty/craft space
Create a nursery
Have a dog
Make a blackboard space

Go on a super romantic holiday
Let go of resentment
Be ok on my own with silence
Learn to feel ok about making stupid mistakes
Create a family
Stop using products tested on animals
Live wide open
Learn to trust
Love myself
Be bold and pleased with who I am. Yes I love rabbits. And?
Enjoy going to bed
Carry my baby in a sling
Get engaged
Get married
Be married
Take weekly baby bump pictures
To be able to let go
To be able to let things be

Have a really nice pair of leather riding style boots
Find a hair colour I like and stick with it [for a while at least!]
Always feel comfy in my clothes
Have a vintage style swimsuit
Have some proper knitted wool socks
Own a vintage beach cruiser bike
Find some frilly knickers that I actually like wearing


Try a regular yoga practise
Find and stay at my happy weight
Wake up early and like it
Have shiny hair and fresh skin
Drink more water
Kick my sugar habit
Find my inner athlete
Find my bedtime
Feel strong
Go to ballet classes
Have clear skin
Start liking my body
Take less pills
Put less chemicals into and on my body